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Having your Horse put down in Croydon

Unfortunately, there often comes a time where, as animal lovers, we must say goodbye to a much loved companion.
If your horse is unwell or suffering from age related conditions, you or your vet may feel that it is time to let them be at peace. so now is the time to be thinking of having your horse put down.
Our discrete and traditional service is an efficient way to manage this difficult time for both you and your horse.

Why Choose Us in Croydon

Putting down by US in Croydon
We put down your horse with the use of a firearm, When we dispatch a horse this way death is instant.
We have many years of experience and are fully licensed by DEFRA for the removal and disposal of large animals. Our service is the most cost effective way to dispatch and remove your horse.
Put down by Vet
If you pay your Vet to put down your horse by use of chemical, firstly they sedate your horse then they administer an injection to end your horses life. This can take anywhere from 25 to 45 minute for your horse to die depending on how many injection are required. Once your horse has died, the Vet drives away. Now you are left with a horse which can only be disposed of by incineration or cremation (if you wish to has the ashes returned.) Cost of Disposal
We have a set fee per county for the Dispatch, Removal and Disposal of any size horse.
We cover all of Croydon, Surrey and West Sussex
Need help making you decision
Call and speak directly to a member of our experienced staff who will be happy to answer all your questions or Email us with any questions you may have.
Call us on 07784 800770

Emergancy Call out in Croydon

We provide an emergancy Dispatch, Removal and disposal service in Croydon.
Call our Team on 07784 800770
24 hours a day 7 days a week

Defra Approved in Croydon

We are licensed by Defra as 'Animal by Product collectors for clas 1,2 and 3.
We are also licensed by the police for our firearms.

Horse Cremation in Croydon

If you horse has already been put down by your equine Vet, Then Cremation is your only option of disposal.
We provide a service in Croydon that includes all collection and cremation fees.
There are 3 option for this service in Croydon,

  • Option 1: Straight cremation no ashes back.
  • Option 2: Cremation with token ashes back.
  • Option 3: Cremation with full ashes back.
  • Removal of Dead Horse in Croydon

    We provide an emergancy Dispatch, Removal and disposal service in Croydon.
    Call our Team on 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    What happens when we turn up in Croydon

    if your horse is at its regular stable yard or field livery, we wil come there and discuss with you the best plan of action.
    This includes consideration to other people on the stable yard and the location of other animals.
    Where the best location on the yard or field is to remove the body. This includes how likely it is for people observe the us shooting your horse and the body being loaded.
    If you are on a share livery yard then other liveries should be advised and if the yard has a manager then we would reuire them to be in attendance and sign our paperwork giving us person to carry out this service.

    Should you be there when your horse is put down

    People often ask if they have to be there at when we carry out our work.
    That choice is sole up to you, We follow set procedures to ensure it goes safe and smoothly.
    We are happy to answer any question, but feel obligated that your have to be there, If you feel OK with being there, we will ask you to position yourself in a safe place during the dispatching part of our service, on some occassions your horse may find your presence calming, so we may ask for you to be there while we work, but emotions can run high, it may be better to simply say your goodbyes and walk away.
    we would ask for any family member or friend who are vey emotional or distress to say there goodbyes and go, that way the horse does not pick up on there emotional distress.
    The horse owner or representative must be on site and confirm which horse has to be put down
    They must have Photo ID and the Horses Passport and sign documentation giving consent to us putting it down and transfer the body over to us for disposal, But after that they are free to stay or go.

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